by Edie.P
Happy New Year everyone! We hope you had a great start into 2009 and wish you all the best for the rest of the year. May all your dreams and wishes become true.
And with the new year Spread OpenID is also back. As some of you probably remember - well, just have a look at the posting below - we were looking for a new editor for the site in July. We had some applications since then but either we thought the candidates were not really qualified enough or some didn’t get back in touch. So by the end of the year Thomas and I just had two options left: close the entire site or continue with both of us at the helm. In the end it was a rather easy decision to continue. First, it would be a pity if the information on the site was getting lost and second, OpenID and other open standards like OAuth and OpenSocial are definitely on the rise currently. So more people will look for information on OpenID. We hope to be a source for them.
We have also added a new provider to our provider comparison: Swiss clavid which offers a great number of security features and looks very promising.
Also we have created a Delicious account for Spread OpenID: We will add interesting and informative bookmarks regarding OpenID and related topics to that account. You can also access the bookmarks via the sidebar.
If you have any questions just get in touch with us.
One Comment
Happy New Year Carsten and Thomas and I’m very curious about some interesting new OpenID posts on spreadopenid!
Nice that you changed your mind, Carsten